Sunday, June 1, 2008

Chattanooga Choo Chooing

Helo from Chattanooga where it has been extremely hot and humid ie in the 80s (89 yesterday) and in the 70s for humidity although today with fierce thunderstorms and heaps of rain the humidity has been at 100%. With the storms, lightning, rain and flooding in some areas, I had a quiet day going to Barnes and Noble to stock up on reading matter (quilting magazines). I have been to the Hunter Art Gallery and Museum, the Lookout Mountain and Chickamunga Civil War Battlefield sites, on a trip on the East Tennessee Railway and to see Ruby Falls. There has been a lot of work done downtown to reinvigorate the town and it certainly seems to have worked. And I can't say enough about Southern hospitality - they are really friendly down here compared to up north (with the exception of Keepsake Quilting). Heading off on Tuesday for the Blue Ridge Parway/Skyline Drive and Washington.

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