Sunday, December 16, 2007

23 things accomplished

I have found this a fascinating but also rather stressful exercise. It has been difficult to find the time to complete all the tasks and sometimes frustrating. But it has been worthwhile perservering and I do feel rather pleased with myself for having done it. I have found a couple of areas more useful than others. I think I could very easily run a blog. I have already developed a wiki site so I knew I could do that. I feel more in touch with what kids are getting into. Although I do have some concerns about what is posted on some of these social networking sites - as a private person, I would not choose to lay myself open in such a manner. I think I am addicted to And how am I ever going to get the time to read all my rss feeds.
Things to do differently - I think many people needed to be given a little more time to complete 23 things. I am going travelling next year and am wondering about doing a blog while I'm away where everyone can keep up with where I am (It saves emailing lots of people!!). There are some things that I doubt I'll ever look at again unless I am forced to.

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